Dr. Daniel Paradis

Daniel Paradis has been a research scientist since 2000 in hydrogeology  at the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) in Québec City. He also an Associate Professor at the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS). He received his B.Sc. degree in engineering physics in 1997 from Laval University and in 2014 his Ph.D. in Earth Sciences from INRS. He is currently leading the Water Resources Characterization and Modelling project in the Groundwater Geosciences Program at the GSC. Dr. Paradis current research interests include the development of characterization and modelling approaches of aquifer and hydrological systems to support the increasing demand for comprehensive water resources management by various levels of government. His previous research experience at the GSC includes several aquifer mapping projects across the country and the study of the impact of the climate changes on groundwater quality and quantity.

What is your role in the C1W project?

The contribution of Dr. Paradis to the C1W project will be to share his experience on related modelling issues and familiarity with the eastern modelling domain. Dr. Paradis has an extensive experience in the St Lawrence region and Prince Edward Island, and have been involved in projects in NS and BC

What benefits do you think C1W will bring to Canada/Canadians?

The C1W project is undoubtedly a first big leap towards an integrated and comprehensive synthesis of the hydrogeological knowledge for the entire country.